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Thursday, May 5, 2011

A quick blog note

As you may have noticed, as of this morning registration is required to post on the blog. That doesn’t require anything fancy, basically you just have to have a handle (meaning an internet name, for those unfamiliar with the handle.)

So basically, no more posting as simply “anonymous.”

I’ve been hesitant to do this, so I wouldn’t call it a permanent step. Let’s just see how it works, and go from there. The blog already gets very good traffic, so we don’t want to have a negative impact on that. But enough of you have requested the move so I thought we’d give it a try.

Obviously this doesn’t mean an end to anonymous posting, and I’m the only one still obligated to use my real name. (And I have the birth certificate to show it.)


Lawson Bailey said...

Good move Seth. I have a hard believing it will decrease traffic.

NCDawg said...

Perhaps, but will you post your birth certificate for all of us to inspect?

El Tigre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David Davis said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Well done!

Joe Attaway said...

Thanks Seth. I was beginning to not visit the site as much because the comments were getting so ridiculous.

Reverend Whitewall said...

I agree with Joe Attaway, this will improve the overall quality/experience of the blog, which should in the long run actually increase traffic.

Anonymous said...

Great idea Seth! Now we'll be able to hold everyone who posts here accountable for their lunacy.

Anonymous said...


Scoreboard said...


Scoreboard said...

Hey, this registration thing works. Thakns, Seth.

Carlos said...

I like this move alot. I think you should post your birth certificate to prove it.

TrboDawg said...

I hope registering helps to cut down on the tech trolls posts, but I have to believe that this development is going to keep the techies even busier.

C.C. said...

its funny to not see any anon's

nathanaug said...

First Bin Laden dead now no more anon on this blog. That is two of my three genie wishes already granted. Anyone seen a blonde hair blue eyed supermodel looking for me?

Anonymous said...

Good work

Michael said...

YAY!!!!! THANK YOU for finally doing this.

I used to read the blog daily, but I'd scaled back to a couple times a month largely because of the annoying "anonymous" posters.

This is a huge positive move forward. Thank you!

LawDawg said...

Good move, Seth. I never stopped reading, but I did stop reading the comments section. Hopefully this will help make it bearable again.

Anonymous said...

I will not be oppressed!

Anonymous said...

Good idea.

Bulldawg said...

Me likes.

Doug said...


Chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
j.leonardjr said...

Good Move. It likely won't cut down the troll comments but at least we will learn to recognize which ones to ignore by name and you can identify them for deletion more easily.

Joeski said...

I agree: I think this will be a change for the good. Will it eliminate the trolls? Probably not, but it will at least make them work a little harder to spew their garbage. (And since we all know that trolls are lazy, it should reduce the number of useless comments if nothing else.)

ChicagoDawg said...

Trolls troll, that is what they do. So, the lack of any real accountability (meaning no risk to personal reputation or physical well being) will continue to allow for it, which is fine. However, it increase the workload on those who engage in sock puppetry.

Dawgfan1307 said...

Now I'm just going to be curious when someone has a comment removed.

Paul said...

But do you have the long form birth certificate and will you release it publicly?