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Friday, January 30, 2009

Pete Herrmann Day 1 Links (1/30)

Well the obvious news is still about Dennis Felton's dismissal. There's a ton of reaction around the Web...

-- First off, check out Doug Stutsman's coverage for us yesterday. "Mad props," as the kids say, to Doug for helping me out on short notice with this. I don't like to use the term "hero" very often, but he might be the greatest hero in history.

--ESPN's Mark Schlabach has the short list of potential candidates to replace Felton, and Georgia Sports Blog says there's one agent particularly worth watching.

-- Kyle King makes three points in favor Felton's firing, which I think sum up the situation pretty well.

-- King's take stands in pretty sharp contrast to that of the Sporting News' Mike DeCourcy, who calls the firing "repulsive." I'd say the seven-game losing streak was pretty repulsive, but that's just me.

-- The Examiner doesn't question the decision to fire Felton, but wonders about the timing.

-- Runaround Sue's offers a "Retrospecticus" on the Dennis Felton era, and you know I'm a sucker for made-up words.

-- Access North Georgia brings up the important point that firing Felton was only Step 1 in this process, and it won't matter much if Georgia doesn't make the most of the opportunity to hire someone else.

-- Pete Herrmann has a good opportunity here, too, but he's not exactly excited about it.

-- The AJC tracks down the Bulldogs' last head coach, Jim Harrick.

-- Well, Andy Landers' team continues to roll -- so you've got that going for you, which is nice.

-- Doug Stutsman also managed to write up some football notes for us yesterday, too. I'll have more football stuff posted later today.

-- Kyle King is a busy man -- he also debates whether we should ever see another "blackout" on the football field.

-- D1 Sports Training gives us a quick update on Brannan Southerland.

-- Michael Carvell looks at the keys for a successful Signing Day for Georgia.

-- Matthew Stafford's Madden Bowl appearance was delayed by rain, but he at least got in a few video games with Antonio Gates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did anyone check out the shoes Stafford was wearing in the Madden Bowl picture?


I guess Antonio Gates dressed him that morning...